
Showing posts from February, 2022

Is It Important to Uphold the Belief in a Triune God in our Pluralistic World?

                 Today we are confronted with two types of theology. One anchors itself in the biblical witness to God’s salvation-historical dealings with the world, centered in the revelation of Christ and elaborated in the doctrine of Trinity as a ‘tripersonal communion of reciprocal relations.’ 1 The second one bases itself not on the biblical witness but an alleged shift in contemporary Christian consciousness. Paul Knitter called it a ‘paradigm shift’ in Christian thinking. 2 John Hick called it a ‘Copernican revolution’ in Christianity. 3 This view calls for a wider ecumenism that will integrate all the religions into a pluralistic theocentric model with none occupying the center. God is placed at the center of this universe of faiths.             Moltmann made the new thinking clear when he stated, “If the biblical testimony is chosen as the point of departure, then we s...