
Showing posts from May, 2022

Did Jesus Become a Ransom for Many?

                   One of the foundational statements in Christian theology is found in Mark 10:45 where Jesus claimed, " For even   the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and   to give His life a ransom for many.” This verse is often used to prove the exclusivist claims of Christianity when it comes to salvation.                      Critical New Testament scholarship has raised considerable doubt on whether Mark 10:45 should be accepted as an authentic saying of Jesus Christ. 1 It is alleged that this saying was created by the early church and read back into the life of Jesus. They present four arguments to support their claim.              First, the critics say that it is out of context. The preceding text shows Jesus teaching his disciples how to live a life of humble service. Peterson asks why Jesus could not present his own life as a model of service and his self-offering in death as the epitome of his service? 2 This is an argument also explained well by